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Abhrak is the English term for Mica, a mineral that is prevalent in various regions of India. Indian Mica is regarded as the highest quality among its counterparts. The significance of Abhrak is highlighted in numerous classical Ayurvedic texts, where it is recognized as a key component in many Ayurvedic formulations.

Location of Mica in India / Out of India

In India

Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar (Most superior one).

Out of India

Rome, America, Canada

Shape of Mica

Irregular, with white coating, Lustrous

Types of Abhrak (MICA)

  • On Basis of Colour: Rakta (Red), Peeta (Yellow), Neela (Blue), Krishna (Black – The best one)
  • On Basis of Structure: Pinaka Abhrak, Naga Abhrak, Mandooka Abhrak, Vajra Abhrak

Guna (Properties)

  • Rasa (Taste) – Madhur (Sweet), Kshaya (Astringent)
  • Guna (Inherent properties) – Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Unctuous)
  • Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
  • Vipaka (Post Digestion Effect) – Madhur (Sweet)

Karma (Qualities)

  • बल्य Strengthening
  • नेत्र वर्धक Enhance Vision
  • बुद्धि वर्धक Improves Intelligence
  • स्तन्य जनन Promote lactation
  • वर्ण्य Helps with complexion
  • केश्य Promote hair growth
  • दीपन / रुच्य Improve digestion / Appetite
  • ज्वर Helps in fever
  • क्षय रोग Effective in degenerative Disorders
  • श्वास कास Helps in Respiratory Disorders

Used In Diseases

Unmad (Insanity), Apasmar (Epilepsy), delusions, Respiratory Conditions, Heart conditions, Diabetes, Tuberculosis

Even in many International journals of innovative science and research technology it has been mentioned that Abhrak or Mica does show cytotoxic effects. It means it has an anticancer effect and it acts by increasing the interactions between tumour cells and antitumor immune cells. The Abhrak is known to have an impressive impact in Human Lung adenocarcinoma cancer.

Dosage & Anupana

125 – 250 mg with Madhu (honey), Ghrit (Clarified Butter), Navneet (Butter)

Main Formulations Containing Abhrak

Arogyavardhini Vati, panchamrit Parpati, Gagan Parpati, Puran chander ras, Brihat shringarbhr ras, Yogender Ras, brihat kasturi bhairav ras, Brihat Vaat chintamani Ras, Vasant Kusmakar Ras, Shwas Kas chintamani Ras


It is now evident that mineral preparations offer distinct benefits. These preparations are outlined in the field of ras shastra within Ayurveda, and the medications derived from ras shastra possess unique advantages. However, it remains essential to seek guidance from an Ayurveda expert before utilizing these preparations.

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