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Allium Cepa is an annual herb that means a yearly spice developed eminently for its bulb which is utilised as a flavour and sauce, this herb shows various medicinal benefits so it can be used in daily life. Onion is said to be the main spice in every vegetable and many patients are also said to control their blood sugar levels along with also controlling lipid levels.

This herb is also known as pyaaz commonly in Hindi, in Punjabi it is named ganda, in Malayalam, it is known as konda, in Gujarati dungli, and in English, it is said to be Bulb Onion. Onion belongs to the family of Liliaceae, genus Allium. This herb is said to be having anti-aging properties, rejuvenating, and helps in improvement in memory power.


Botanical Name
Allium cepa



A. cepa


  • Onion has been cultivated for seven to eight thousand years, it is a biennial plant but almost grows all over the year, and this herb only grows up to 15 to 45 cm in height.
  • Leaves – yellowish to bluish in color growing the shape of a flattened fan or hollow stem. These are cylindrical with a one-sided flat edge, these grow up to the bulb. When the onion starts to get matured, the food resources of the plant start to gather in the basement of the leaf and the onion bulb will swell up.
  • Its fruits are swelled and are of three compartments that are small, and consisting of black seeds.
  • Its rhizome is red and white in colour and that fruit is of white colour consisting of ksheer plandu.

Ayurvedic Properties

  • Rasa (Taste) – Madhur (Sweet), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent), Amla (Sour)
  • Guna (Quality) – Guru (Heavy), Snigadh (Moist), Teekshan (Sharp)
  • Veerya (Potency) – Somewhat Ushna (Hot)
  • Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Madhur (Sweet)
  • Karma (Action) – Balances the Vata dosha
  • Projyang (Part used) – Seed and Rhizome are used

Effects on Doshas

  • Due to its Guru, snigadh, Madhur, and its hot potency is very helpful in pacifying the vata dosha.
  • Its guru, snigdha and sweet taste will help to elevate the kapha dosha and its ushna, teekshan, katu will help to elevate the pitta dosha.

Practical Uses

  • This herb is very effective as Vrishya (aphrodisiac), rasayana (rejuvenating), prameha ghana (anti-diabetic), raktapitta hara (useful in bleeding disorders) and is helpful in Vedana shamak (relieves the pain).
  • This herb is very effective in detoxifying the body, when we are lacking exercise, or have bad dietary habits, that will build up toxins in the body.
  • This herb consists of amino acids which help the body to improve digestion and expel unwanted substances from the body.
  • This herb also provides us better immunity because of the richness of Vitamin C which will build a strong immune power in the body.
  • As we all know this herb is added to every Indian vegetable to easily digest the food and enhance the taste of food.
  • Nowadays, onion juice is getting famous to provide strength to the hair and also for empowering the growth of the hair. It is also useful in controlling dandruff.
  • It has already been demonstrated that Onions consist of cell reinforcements. Collection of perilous variables in our skin that are the main reason for Ageing. Antioxidants and anti-toxious qualities of Onion help continuously and gradually lessens the progress in year’s process.
  • This herb is said to be the best herb for vata pacification and for vata-related disorders.
  • In the respiratory system, teekshan and snigdha guna help to liquify the mucus.
  • Due to its sharp qualities, it also works as a diuretic.
  • Due to its sweet taste, moisturise and heavy properties help to strengthen the patient, and is Ojo Vardhan that can be correlated with promoting immune health.


  • The decoction and juice of the rhizome can be taken as in the quantity of 10 to 30 ml.
  • The powder of seeds can be taken as 1 to 3 gram.
  • If the dosage exceeds the above-mentioned dosage then it can show its symptoms by reducing the medha shakti or memory power.

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