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Paribhadra is an herb that is recognized by its common name Indian Coral tree in English and is botanically known by Erythrina Variegata. This is a very common herb used by Ayurvedic Acharyas in ancient times as well as in today’s practice. This herb has various different names according to the place – like in Sanskrit this herb is well known by the word paribhadra, kantaki palash, rakta pushpa.

In Hindi it is known as Farhad, in Bengal Paltemadar, In Malayalam Pangara, in Gujarati Pararu, in Tamilnadu – kaliyaan. This herb is used for treating worm infestations, digestion-related disorders, liver metabolism, and imbalance in cholesterol levels. This plant is very common in India as it is widely found in all the states, its flowers are having various medicinal properties, and is known for their soothing properties. This plant blooms in the spring season and in the summer season fruits will grow.


Botanical Name
Erythrina Variegata.

Fabaceae or Papilionaceae


E. Variegata


  • The tree grows up to 60 ft in height oblong to the rounded crown and is dense in looks.
  • Inflorescence of many-flowered fascicles occurs in terminals and axillaries, its calyx is deeply split, 0.4-0.7 inches, with a 2 to 5 mm long pedicle. Flowers are short-clawed, red or Orangish in color, with white color threads longitudinally, its wings are somehow green to pale red in appearance. Flowers bloom on this tree from July to November time period and it later appears in the northern hemisphere all about 6 months. There are two varieties of plants in the Erythrina species white colored flower-bearing trees have multiple health benefits whereas there is a variety of red-colored flowers that are found abundantly in the Indian area.
  • Leaves are trifoliate, and alternate, the rachis is mostly 10-20 cm long, and it is ovate and rhomboid in shape, deciduous in nature.
  • Its fruits are grown in the oblong pod and appear in March and April month. They grow and stay for a longer time period on the tree.
  • Seeds are of kidney shape and are found in 12 in number oval, unctuous red, and brown in color.

Ayurvedic Properties

  • Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Quality) – Laghu (light)
  • Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)
  • Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Katu (Pungent)
  • Karma (Action) – Balances the Vata and Kapha dosha
  • Projyang (Part used) – Bark and leaves are used

Effects on Doshas

It balances the Vata and Kapha dosha, due to its tikta and ushna gunna it will pacify the Kapha and Vata dosha.

Practical Uses

  • This herb is helpful in Kapha vata-related disorders.
  • When it is used externally as in the paste form then it will show its activities like anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, shows fast healing properties and acts on the ear especially.
  • Due to its vata-pacifying action, this will work like a pain reliever in the head, is anti-epileptic, and is helpful in inducing sleep.
  • In the digestive system, due to its tikta, ushna gunna it acts like an appetizer, a digestive fire enhancer, good for vata anulomana, and works against worm infestations.
  • This helps in increasing the secretion of the bile juice and some active compounds that directly initiate the digestion power.
  • This is good for blood coagulation, and a healthy circulatory system.
  • Due to its ushna gunna, it helps against the retention of urine.
  • This is also helpful in cutting down the excessive fat from the body.


  • Decoction of Bark is taken in the amount of 50 to 100 ml.

The juice of the leaves can be taken in 5 to 10 ml.


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