Dhataki is deciduous shrub with numerous fluted branches. This shrub has spreading branches reaching height up to 5-12mt. Branches of this shrub are long and multi spreading and stem is fluted and long. Bark of the shrub is smooth and reddish brown in color with very thin and small fibrous stripes. Leaves are about 5-9cm long, oblong or ovate and lanceolate. This shrub bears numerous flowers that are bright red in color.
Small flowers of this herb grow singly or in groups along the twigs and branches. Every flower of this herb, borne a tiny stem, slender tube, curved and greenish base. Fruits are capsules about 1cm long, ellipsoid and membranous and it contains very minute, brown colored smooth seeds. Shrub is overloaded with bright red flowers in the month of February to April and its leaves shed off and new leaves appear. Its fruits appear from April to June.
Dhataki is medicinal herb of ayurvedic medicine system and it is native to Asia and Africa. In India and it is abundantly distributed throughout north India, to an ascending altitude of 1500mt. Mostly it is available in waste lands and open grasslands but it is also cultivated in gardens during the summer months. It is also available in Madagascar, Pakistan, Ceylon, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Indonesia and china. In India plant of woodfordia is distributed in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and West Bengal.
Vernacular Names
- Hindi– Ban-mahendi, Dhai, Dhati, Dhatki, Dhatri, Dhaura
- Botanical– Woodfordia fruticosa
- Sanskrit– Agnijwala
- Kannada– Bela, Taamra pushpin, Daathakee kusumka
- Malayalam– Tamarpushi, Tatire, Tatiripushpi
- Tamil– Dhathari-jagri, Dhattari
- Telugu– Dhaarhupushpika, Dhaathaki
- Tibetan– Dha-ta-ke, Me-togda tak ki
- Urdu– Gul dhawa
- Gujarati– Dhaavadi
- Bengali– Dhai, Dawai, Dhai phul
- Marathi– Dhalas, Dhayati, Dhadva
- Punjabi– Dhavi
- Farsi– Dhaava
- Oriya– Dhobo, Jaliko, Harwari
- Bihar– Dhai, Dawai
- Jammu and Kashmir– Thwai
- Nepali– Dhangera
Ayurvedic Properties
Hindi / Sanskrit
Ruksha, Laghu
Physical Property
Light, Dry
Metabolic Property (After Digestion)
Effects on Doshas
It balances Pitta and Kapha dosha.
Charak Samhita
Sushrut Samhita
- Pureesh sangreehniya – Herb used to improve bulk of feces.
- Mutra viranjneeya – Herb used to restore normal color of urine.
- Sandhneeya – Herb that is useful for healing bone fractures.
- Priyangvadi gana,
- Ambhashtadi gana
- Ambastadi gana,
- Priyangvadi gana
Practical uses of Woodfordia Fruticosa
- Dhataki is very beneficial herb to cure range of vast diseases, it is used to cure diarrhea, piles and dysentery because it is a powerful astringent.
- Dhataki flower applied externally to relieve burning sensation of skin. Flowers are sprinkled over wounds and ulcers for quick healing and to stop discharge and granulation. For the local burns on body dhataki flowers are applied along with coconut oil to relieve burns.
- Flowers of this herb are immune modulatory and herb is also used to boost up immunity and overall body health.
- Decoction of dhataki flowers are used for treating vaginal prolapse and anal prolapse and also used for gargles to cure dental disorders. Flower awleha is used to reduce menstrual pain and it is also used to cure leucorrhoea.
- Flowers and roots are very effective in curing rheumatism, lumbar and rib fractures, and foot and mouth diseases.
- Juice of fresh flowers are applied externally to reduce headache caused by pitta dosha.
- In diabetic patient’s decoction of flowers are used to reduce thirst and other mouth related disorders.
- Being a mutra-viranjniye herb it is used to restore normal color of the urine in diabetic patients.
- It is also used in the treatment of fever that is caused due to pitta dosha.
- Dhataki flowers are used for the victims who are addicted to opium and suffering with diarrhea.
- Dried flowers are very beneficial for overall heart health and used to treat various heart related disorders.
- It is used to pacify pitta and kapha dosha.
Parts used