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Devdaru is an evergreen conifer tree that is inclined toward due to its sobbing propensity (nimbly hanging branches), this is highly found in the upper Himalayas they are usually used to line the streets or stand as a specimen tree in gardens or parks.

This is a conifer consisting of needles 1 to 2 inches long and can be somewhat greyish-green or bluish-green contingent developed into whorls of 20 to 30 needles as well as shows up separately on lengthy shoots. This is commonly known as the Devdar in Hindi, Malayalam, and Gujarati. In Punjabi, this herb is said to be diyaar, and in English, this tree is named Deodar. This plant grows at the elevation of 3500 to 12,000 feet from sea level.

Systemic Classification

Botanical Name
Cedrus deodara



C. deodara


  • It has a very tall tree height of 250 inches, a large coniferous evergreen tree.
  • It bears flowers, new leaves, and fruits throughout the year along with a sweet fragrance which means that it has a divine aura all around the tree. This herb is found in the Himalayas which is the place of gods and so it is said to be the Cedar of Gods.
  • Its height at the age of 20 grows up to 10 metres and when it gets fully mature it gets its height of 20 metres.
  • It has a monopodial growth in which it has a straight trunk and many multiple branches originate from the central trunk that is arcuate in shape, in the growth period, horizontal branches are initially pyramidal and later on, it becomes cylindrical to flattened shape.
  • Branches are thick and leaves are of needle shape, narrow and rigid as well as looking so amphistomatous (stomata are found on the two upper sides). Leaves are single along with a spiral arrangement. Their leaves are glaucous in colour and stay on the tree for 3 to 6 years and are usually shedding during the summer season.
  • This is a monoecious species of plant which has two types of cones that are male and female. Male cones are found in lower branchlets and female cones are found in above branchlets. Male cones are usually elongated and of an oval shape and the colour resembles purplish green to yellowish green after the pollen releasing time, this becomes yellow in colour. Female cones grow on the peripheries and are erect, ovoid, or ellipsoidal and are initially bluish-green in colour, and after ripening this becomes light purple to pale brown in colour.

Ayurvedic Properties

  • Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Quality) – Snigadh (Moist), Laghu (light)
  • Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)
  • Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – (Katu (Pungent)
  • Karma (Action) – Balances the Vata and Kapha dosha
  • Projyang (Part used) – Oil and extract of the bark are used

Effects on Doshas

It balances Vata and Kapha dosha and is categorised under vedanasthapan mahakashaya.

Practical Uses

  • This herb is used in Kapha-Vata-related disorders like joints disorders which are consisting of inflammation and many different skin-related conditions can be managed by the paste of this plant or its oil can also be applied.
  • The oil of this plant is good for healing purposes and is acting as an anti-inflammatory in nature.
  • This can be used internally to pacify the vata rogas and works as vedana sthapana. Various diseases can be controlled by this herbal plant like old rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spondylosis, osteo-artheritis, and many more vata-related disorders.
  • In the digestive system, this is good for excreting out the ama (toxins). And also is very helpful in managing constipation, bloating, and many worm infestations disorders.
  • In the respiratory system, this is capable of managing the old cough, or cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, and chronic headaches and is also beneficial in expelling out the mucus and pacifying the Kapha dosha from the respiratory system.
  • In the circulatory system, this is helpful in combating the weakness of the heart muscles, this aids in the purification of blood and inflammation of various blood-related diseases.
  • In the urinary system, this works in the retention of urine with its diuretic properties, or diabetic condition.
  • In the reproductive systems, this is helpful in milk production after the delivery and is also useful in combating other female health-related diseases.
  • In obesity this works with its lekhan properties to control fat depositions.


  • The powder of this plant’s bark can be used for up to 3 to 6 grams.
  • The oil of this plant is used as 20 to 40 drops externally.

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