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Bibhitaki is a large deciduous tree found throughout India reaches height up to 30 meters. Trunk of the tree is straight with brownish grey color. Leaves are long, alternate, oval and are clustered towards the end of branches. These are 7-14cm in breadth and 10-12cm in length. Simple and solitary flowers are white or yellow in color with offensive odor. Baheda Flowers appear in the month of May. Upper part of plant is male and lower part is female.

Baheda Fruits are grey colored drupes, ovoid in shape. Sweet kernels inside the hard covering of fruit are sweet in taste. Its fruit resembles to haritaki fruit but without ridges.

Following terms are used for Bibhitaki:-

  • Rasayan – Rejuvenating in nature
  • Chakshushya – Herb beneficial for eyes
  • Keshya – Very beneficial for hair
  • Kanthya – Very effective for throat


Bibhitaki is large deciduous tree native to India and about 100 species are distributed throughout the world. It is found commonly in plains and lower hills of Southeast Asia. In India it is abundantly found in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Maharashtra.





Vernacular Names

  • English – Baheda
  • Latin – Terminalia bellerica
  • Hindi – Baheda
  • Sanskrit – Vibhitak, Akshay, Karshfala, Kalidrum
  • Bengali – Bayada
  • Punjabi – Baheda
  • Telugu – Vadikaya
  • Dravidi – Tanikooya
  • Kannada – Tarekapi
  • Arabic – Balelaj
  • Persian – Talelah
  • Farsi – Baleel

Ayurvedic Properties of Bibhitaki

Hindi / Sanskrit







Laghu, Ruksha

Physical Property

Light, Dry







Metabolic Property (After Digestion)


Baheda Effects on Doshas

It balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita and Vagbhata

Jawarhara – Herbs which Repeves fever.

Kasahara – Herbs which are good for cough and cold.

Virechnopaga – Herbs used in purgation therapy.

Mustadi group

Practical Uses of Terminalia bellerica

  • Terminalia bellerica is an herb of triphala. It is laxative in nature and used in the purgation therapy.
  • Fruit is anti-bacterial in nature and used to fight against various infections.
  • It is rejuvenating in nature and it is very beneficial for hair growth.
  • Bibhitaki is useful in hoarseness of voice, asthma, cough and common cold. It relieves blocked phlegm and bleeding in sputum.
  • Seed oil of paste of fruit is applied to swollen parts to get relief from inflammation. It is best used in rheumatism.
  • Seed oil of this herb is also beneficial for skin disorders and premature graying of hair. It also boosts up hair growth and helps to impart black color to hair.
  • Fruit paste is also applied on eyelids to cure conjunctivitis and it is also beneficial for various eye disorders such as myopia, corneal opacity, and cataract.
  • It also helps to cure loss of appetite, thirst, bloating, flatulence, piles and various worm infestations. Decoction of seed kernels is used in vomiting and excessive thirst.
  • Ripen fruit of this plant is astringent and is anti-diarrheal in action.
  • It is aphrodisiac, prevents ageing and used to enhance immunity to fight against various diseases.
  • This herb is also beneficial in blood pressure and helps in lowering cholesterol levels. Bark of this tree is used for chest pain and heart diseases.
  • Bibhitaki used for mouthwash and gargles.
  • It gives effective result in dysuria.
  • The herb is beneficial for lungs and disorders associated with lungs
  • It is used to pacify pitta and kapha dosha.


Powder – 3-6gm

Parts Used

  • Fruit rind
  • Seeds
  • Seed kernels


It is a traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Its fruit is used in the popular Indian herbal remedy triphala. In Sanskrit, it is called vibhītaka विभीतक. Bibhitaki is known as “Vibheetaki” in which ‘bheeta’ means fear and ‘Vibheeta’ means lack of fear. Hence, “Baheda” treats the fear of disease.

  • Rasa (Taste) – Kashaya (Astringent)
  • Guna (Qualities) – Rooksha (Dry), Laghu ( Light to digest)
  • Vipaka (Taste conversion after digestion) – Madhura (Sweet)
  • Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)

Bibhitaki herb balances the vitiated Kapha and Pitta doshas.

  • Rejuvenative
  • Benefits hair and eyes
  • Beneficial for breathing and throat issues
  • Alleviates edema and swellings
  • Asthma, cough, and bronchitis
  • Crohn’s disease, Diarrhea
  • Intestinal inflammation – Parasites
  • Bladder stones
  • Cloudy urine and Insomnia
  • Cardiac congestion
  • English Name – Baheda
  • Latin Name – Terminalia bellirica
  • Hindi Name – Baheda
  • Sanskrit Name – Vibhitak, Akshay
  • Bengali Name – Bayada
  • Punjabi Name – Baheda
  • Telugu Name – Vadikaya

Bibhitaki is very nutritious for a human being as it contains essential vitamins, minerals, and protein. This herb is a source of Vitamin C and minerals like selenium, manganese, potassium, iron, and copper.

Bibhitaki plants contain chemicals like tannic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and cardiac glycosides.

  • Bhedanam – Ease the motion it has laxative action
  • Kasanashanam – Relieves cough & cold
  • Netrahitam – Good for eyes
  • Keshya – Improves hair quality and growth
  • Kruminashanana – Relief from worms
  • Vaisvaryanashana – Relief from hoarseness of voice

Bibhitaki is one of the three components used in the formulation of Triphla. The other herbs used in the formulation of triphla are – Bibhitaki, Amalaki, and Haritaki.

  • Bibhitaki mixed with Haritaki and Amla is known as “Triphala” which has a rejuvenating property.
  • Bibhitaki mixed with Pippali and Black Pepper makes it beneficial for lungs and high Kapha (water vitiation).
  • Bibhitaki mixed with Haritaki and Ginger is helpful to remove extra mucus from lungs.
  • A mixture of Gokshura, Coriander, and Manjistha with Bibhitaki is very helpful in problems related to urine discharge like burning sensation during urine pass out.
  • Bibhitaki mixed with Brahmi gives a comfortable sleep.
  • Jwarahara – The group of herbs that are used in the treatment of fever.
  • Kasahara – The group of herbs that are used in the treatment of cough & cold.
  • Virechanopaga – The group of herbs that are used in Virechana- Purgation
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Family : Combretaceae
  • Genus : Terminalia
  • Species : T. bellirica

There are very few medicines which are addictive. As per the resolution passed by the Government of India such drugs are prohibited. Such drugs can only be sold or taken under the recommendation of a registered practitioner.

Yes, Bibhitaki acts as an immunity booster and also increases longevity.

Yes, it can be taken as Bibhitaki helps in regulating blood sugar levels and increased insulin sensitivity in the body. This function of the herb makes it a very useful remedy for diabetes patients.

Yes, it is. The herb is also known to be one of the best tonics for the digestive system. Juice of Bibhitaki herb keeps the system clean and improves the digestive functions. It also helps in improving the conditions such as anorexia and diseases such as piles and worms in the digestive system.

Bibhitaki is a natural laxative and contains dietary fibers which are digestive agents and fights with constipation. Bibhitaki is a natural remedy for the patients who are having constipation.

Bibhitaki is a remedy used for hair fall in the form of Bibhitaki herbal oil. It also prevents dandruff and lice infection. Use of Bibhitaki oil is good for hair.

Bibhitaki has antibacterial properties which makes it beneficial in treating acne and ulcers.

It can be taken in both ways. At night after dinner before going to bed or in the morning on an empty stomach.

Yes, it is safe but it should not be taken by the pregnant woman.

Can be given but in limited dose that too under the guidance of the physician.

It is a pure herb and has no side effect. It can be taken as per the need and guidance of your physician.

The overdose of anything is bad. It loses the stomach, can make the ulcers bleed, nausea, vomiting, and weakness.

Bibhitaki powder can be taken- 250mg-3 grams of powder along with lukewarm water.

At night after dinner is the best time to take.

No, one should not take it as it may cause bleeding and leads to abortion and complication related to it.

Yes, it can be taken but sometimes it can increase the blood flow and cause nausea.

As we have already mentioned in our earlier posts, Kapha types are generally overweight and are prone to cough and cold due to the excessive mucus in the body. Bibhitaki helps in removing mucus from the digestive tract which leads to better absorption of nutrients by the body.

The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and bronchodilator property of Bibhitaki makes it useful in curing and managing the respiratory disorders.

Bibhitaki is a natural blood purifier, which removes the toxins and keeps the digestive system active as it contains dietary fibers which help in digestion of the food.



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