The botanical name of Bay leaf is (Cinnamomumtamala). It is a small Mediterranean aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with green, smooth, and hairless leaves. This herb is having a distinctive flavor and fragrance. It is easily found in the kitchen and commonly used in cooking. The dry leaves have full flavor but the fresh leaves have very mild and do not develop their full flavor. The leaves of this herb are used in dried form. This herb helps in pacifying the Vata and Kapha Dosha and also helps in increasing the Pitta Dosha.
Vernacular Names
- English: Lignea, Bay leaf, India Cassia
- Hindi: Tejpat
- Assamese: Tejpat, Mahpat
- Guajarati: TamalaPatra, Develee
- Bengali: Tejpatra, Tejpata
- Kannada: DalchiniEle, Tamalapatra
- Kashmiri: Dalchini pan, Tajpatra
- Marathi: Tamalpatra
- Oriya: Tejapatra
- Punjabi: Tajapter
- Urdu: Tezpat
- Tamil: Lavangapatri
- Telugu: Akupatri
- Danish: IndishLaurbareblad
- Finnish: Lauries des Indes
- German: IndischesLorburblatt
- Japanese: Tamara-nikkei, Tezipatto
- Hungaraian: Indiaibaberlevel
- Burmese: Thitchabo, Thitkyabo
Bay leaf tree originates from Mediteranean region, but it can be found in the world today. It can be found in the tropical and subtropical Himalayas, the Nilgiri hills, the Khasi hills, and also found in the foot of the Sikkim Himalayas.
Chemical Composition of Bay leaf
Bay leaf contain about 1.3% essential oils, comprises 45% eucalyptol, 8-12% terpinyl acetate, 12% other terpenes, 3-4% sesquiterpenes, 3% sesquiterpenes, 3% methyl eugenol, and other Linalool, phellandrene, Geraniol,terpineol and lauric acid.
The most abundant constituents of Laurusnobilis essential oil is 1, 8-cineole which is also named as eucalyptol.
Types of Bay leaf:
Bay leaves come from different plants:
- Mediterranean bay leaf: this leaf is a culinary herb often used to flavor stews, soups, etc
- California bay leaf: these leaves are longer, skinnier, and have a stronger flavor
- Indian bay leaf: Indian bay leaf are shorter and of light medium green color with one large vein down the length of the leaf. This variety is used for medicinal purposes.
- Indonesian bay leaf: these are aromatic leaves used in Indonesian cooking.
Ayurvedic Properties
Hindi / Sanskrit
Katu, Madhura
Pungent and Sweet
Laghu, Tikshna, Picchila
Physical Property
Light, Sharp, Slimy
Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
Effect on Doshas
Due to Laghu and Tikshna properties, it helps in alleviating Kapha Dosha and due to Ushna veerya, it helps in alleviating Vata dosha.
Bay leaf helps in the elimination of Ama and helps in weak digestive fire.
Action of Bay Leaf on Various Systems
- Digestive system: This herb is helpful in increasing digestive power thus beneficial in the problems of digestive system
- Cardiovascular system: It helps in reducing cholesterol and also helps in strengthening the walls of the heart.
- Respiratory system: it helps in the condition like asthma and bronchitis.
- Urinary system: it acts as diuretic in nature and helps in production of adequate urine.
- Reproductive system: It is used in uterine inertia. It also helps in fertilization and overcomes habitual abortion.
Bay Leaf Uses and Benefits
Bay leaf can be used in the form of Powder, paste, whole leaf, decoction. It can be used both external and internal purposes.
External use:
- Make the paste of the leaves, apply it on the chest and leave overnight. Inhaling the vapor also shows similar effects and eliminates bacteria that causes bad effects on respiratory tract.
- To improve the health of hair follicles and eliminate dandruff, soak some bay leaves in the water when leaves become soft and then after shampooing rub them on your scalp.
- Apply the bay leaf paste on the painful conditions like headache, migraine, etc.
Internal use:
- Bay leaf shows a very strong effect on the gastrointestinal system. It helps in removing toxins from the stomach. It is also helpful in various conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), or even reduces the symptoms of Celiac’s disease.
- Bay leaf contains anti-bacterial properties. The essential oil from bay leaves can be apply on chest, it will help to reduce various respiratory condition.
- Bay leaf helps in reducing inflammation throughout the body.
- Bay leaf helps to eliminate low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and beneficial in cardiovascular system.
- Bay leaves improve insulin receptor function and help to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. It reduces the level of LDL which is known as bad cholesterol and increased levels of HDL (good cholesterol) in patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Bay leaf also has antifungal properties which especially fight against the Candida infection. The leaf prevents the adhesion of candida to the cell walls, thereby stopping its penetration through the membranes.
- Bay leaves contain phytonutrients, catechins, Linalool, and parthenolide in it which helps to protect our body from the influence of cancer-causing free radicals. Free radicals can convert healthy cells into cancerous cells and Bay leaves may stop this activity because it contains these antioxidants and organic compounds.
- Bay leaves containLinalool which can help to reduce the stress hormone level in the body, especially when used as an aromatherapy. An increase in stress hormone levels can be dangerous, so bay leaves provide you with calming effect and relaxation even when you are in high-anxiety moments.
Parts Used of Bay Leaf
The parts of the bay leaf used in the formation of medicine are –
Dosage of Bay Leaf
- Leaves Churna (powder): 1-4 gm
- Oil- 2-5 drops
Easy ways to utilize Bay Leaf at Home
It can be used at home in many ways as follows:-
- Cough and cold: Powder the bay leaf and boil it in the water and drink it. It can provide relief from sneezing, running nose, burning sensation and headache.
- Headache: Make a paste of bay leaf with 10 ml water and then apply it on the forehead.
- Head lice: Add 5-6 bay leaves in a cup of water and bring it to boil and reduce it to half. Massage this water and wash the hair after an hour.
- Tooth cleanliness: use the tejpatra powder instead of using toothpaste, use it twice daily it will help in making your teeth shine.
- Vomiting: take bay leaf powder 2-4gms. It will help to control vomiting.
- Jaundice: chew 5-6 bay leaves after 2-3 times in a day, it will help in reducing the intensity of the disease.
- Delivery: provide fumes of bay leaves it will help in easy birth of a child.
- Uterine cleaning: the decoction of bay leaf will help to get relief in uterine pain
- Bleeding: In case of bleeding from any part of the bod, give 1 teaspoonful of bay leaf powder with 1 cup of water 2-3 times a day to get immediate effects.
Caution to Be Taken
If you increase the intake of tejpatra it can cause adverse effect on your body like Hyperacidity and oral ulcers.