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Ayapan / Eupatorium Triplinerve

Ayapan is an evergreen perennial plant that has its origin from South America. It also grows in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and India. It is a common ornamental plant with great medicinal value. But apart from the fancy value that it holds, it has many medicinal benefits also.

Ayapan is the common Ayurvedic name of Eupatorium Triplinerve. It belongs to Asteraceae family.

It is a tropical American shrub that is commonly known as water hemp. The plant bears long and slender leaves which are used to make herbal medicinal extracts. The stem is hairless and reddish in colour. The leaves are purple, occur in corymbose inflorescence and are glabrous.

Ayapan is known as Vishalyakarni in English. It is used to control bleeding from open wounds and blood clotting. The leaves and stem are indicated in bloody diarrhoea, bleeding piles, stomach ulcer bleedings or any other part of the body.

The leaves contain volatile oil, ayapan oil etc. The plant yields many chemicals such as coumarin chemicals, cineol, alpha-phellandrene, alpha-terneol, ayapanin, ayapin, borneol, coumarin, sabinene, umbelliferone and many others.

Hemarin, an important bio – chemical extract of this plant is used to make anti –tumor medications.

The leaves of Ayapan contain many essential oils, coumarins, ayapanins and ayapin. Additionally, vitamin C and Carotene are also found in this plant.


  • English Name – aypana, aiapana, aiapaina, aipana, cagueña, curia, daun panahan, daun perasman, diapalma iapana, diarana-guaco, japana, japana-branca, sekrepatoe wiwir, pool root, white snakeroot, yapana, Diapana etc.
  • Hindi Name – Ayapan
  • Sanskrit Synonyms – Ayapama, Ajapama, Vishalyakarni etc.
  • Bengali Name – Ayapan
  • Malyalam Name – Ayappana, Ayambana, Vishapach, Chuvanna kalyonni






Ayurvedic Properties

Hindi / Sanskrit



Tikta, Kashaya


Bitter, Astringent


Laghu, Ruksha

Physical Property

Light, Dry







Metabolic Property ( After Digestion )


Effects on Doshas

Ayapana has a special restorative effect on the pitta energy of the body. It is a very effective herbal supplement which helps keep blood composition within optimum limits.

Practical Uses of Ayapan

  • Ayapan has a general detoxifying effect on the body. It helps revive liver function and cleanse all body organs. This way it helps to rejuvenate the cells and tissues of the body, increasing the longevity and vitality of the body.
  • Ayapan has antiseptic properties which help in healing wounds and preventing formation of ulcerations.
  • When consumed orally it helps prevent bleeding in any part of the body. It also helps heal ulceration anywhere inside the gut, preventing bleeding. It can therefore be very helpful in diseases like gastric and duodenal ulcers, Crohn’s disease, IBS, haemorrhoids, anal fistula etc.
  • Ayapan is great for clearing out the bowels; it helps prevent colitis and inflammation in the intestines due to its pitta shamak properties. When the intestines are clear and healthy, skin condition improves and abdominal problems like acidity, gastritis and bloating can be easily relieved. Even in cases of large abdominal distension such as ascites, it can be given to the patient.
  • Ayapan leaves have properties that can manage fever, cough and cold naturally.
  • Whole parts of the plant including the stem, leaves and roots can be made into a decoction to relieve malarial fever.
  • For insect bites, wounds and bleeding both internal or external, sterile paste of Ayapan leaves can be very handy.
  • Oral health problems like gingivitis and stomatitis can be relieved with the use of fresh juice of the leaves of this plant.
  • Ayapan is a great option for managing menstrual irregularities in females. This property of the herb is attributed to its pitta pacifying effects on the body. The general cooling effect of the herb helps regulate the hormonal imbalance and strengthens the female reproductive system.
  • Laboratory studies conducted on the leaf extracts of this plant have shown a considerable degree of anti – fungal and anti –microbial effects.

A Word of Caution

Ayapan should be avoided by people taking blood thinner. The leaves contain a highly aromatic chemical known as coumarin which has blood thinning and anti – coagulant properties. People on blood thinner can develop an increased risk of bleeding or stroke in such a case.

The herb has a highly laxative effect because of which many people may develop diarrhoea or vomiting with its use.

Parts Used

All parts of the plant are used for therapeutic uses.


Decoction – 15 to 30 ml.


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