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fungal diseases

Fungal diseases, also known as mycoses, are infections caused by fungi. Fungi are microorganisms present in the environment, such as soil, plants, water, and even the human body. While many fungi are harmless, some can cause diseases in humans, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems.

Types of Fungal Diseases

Fungal diseases are broadly classified into four types based on the affected area and the severity:

1. Superficial Fungal Infections

Affect the outermost layers of the skin, hair, and nails.


  • Tinea infections (Ringworm): Fungal infection of the skin, scalp, or nails.
  • Candidiasis: Infection caused by Candida species, often affecting the mouth, skin, or genital area.
  • Pityriasis Versicolor: Skin infection causing discoloured patches.

Symptoms: Itching, redness, scaling, and discoloration.


2. Cutaneous Fungal Infections

Affect deeper layers of the skin.


  • Dermatophytosis: Fungal infection of keratinized tissues like skin, hair, and nails.
  • Onychomycosis: Nail fungal infection.

Symptoms: Thickened, brittle, or discolored nails, skin peeling, and inflammation.

3. Subcutaneous Fungal Infections

Occur when fungi enter through cuts or wounds, affecting the subcutaneous tissue.


  • Sporotrichosis: Infection of the skin and lymphatic system caused by Sporothrix schenckii.
  • Chromoblastomycosis: Chronic infection causing wart-like lesions.

Symptoms: Nodules, ulcers, and skin discoloration.

4. Systemic Fungal Infections

Affect internal organs, often life-threatening.


Histoplasmosis: Infection caused by inhaling fungal spores from bird or bat droppings.

Aspergillosis: Infection caused by Aspergillus, commonly affecting the lungs.

Cryptococcosis: Lung or brain infection caused by Cryptococcus neoformans.

Symptoms: Fever, cough, chest pain, fatigue, and systemic illness.

Opportunistic Fungal Infections

Occur in individuals with weakened immunity (e.g., HIV/AIDS, organ transplant patients).


  • Candidiasis (Invasive): Spreading of Candida in the bloodstream.
  • Mucormycosis (Black Fungus): Aggressive infection affecting the sinuses, lungs, and brain.

Ayurvedic Perspective on Fungal Diseases

Ayurveda categorizes fungal diseases under Kustha Roga (skin disorders) or Krimi Roga (microbial infections). These conditions are often associated with imbalances in Kapha and Pitta doshas, leading to symptoms like itching, burning, and discoloration.

  • Kapha Imbalance: Produces excessive moisture and stickiness, creating a favorable environment for fungal growth.
  • Pitta Imbalance: Causes inflammation, redness, and burning sensations.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fungal Diseases


1. Detoxification (Shodhana)

  • Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis): To eliminate Kapha dosha.
  • Virechana (Purgation): To balance Pitta dosha.
  • Raktamokshana (Bloodletting): For chronic skin infections.

2. Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications

  • Avoid sugar and fermented foods (they aggravate Kapha and support fungal growth).
  • Eat bitter foods like neem, karela (bitter gourd), and turmeric.
  • Maintain hygiene and keep the affected areas dry.

Topical Applications (Lepas)

Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Antifungal and antimicrobial properties.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Applied as a paste to reduce itching and inflammation.

Aloe Vera (Kumari)

Soothes the skin and heals lesions.

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)

Herbal paste to improve skin health.

Internal Medications

  • Khadirarishta: Purifies blood and treats skin disorders.
  • Gandhaka Rasayana: Effective against fungal infections.
  • Patoladi Kwatha: Balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.
  • Haridra Khand: Relieves itching and skin allergies.

Herbs and Natural Remedies


Taken orally or applied topically.


Balances doshas and detoxifies the body.

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

Boosts immunity.

Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)

Has potent antifungal properties.

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