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chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is the prolonged inflammation of the stomach lining, which can lead to damage of the gastric mucosa and, in severe cases, complications like ulcers or stomach cancer.


Causes of Chronic Gastritis

  • Infections: Helicobacter pylori is the most common bacterial cause.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Use of NSAIDs
  • Autoimmune gastritis leading to reduced stomach acid and intrinsic factor deficiency.
  • Consumption of spicy, acidic, or fried foods.
  • Reflux of bile into the stomach.
  • Prolonged irritation due to certain medications.
  • Excessive consumption of spicy, sour, salty, or fermented foods.
  • Irregular eating habits, skipping meals, or eating heavy meals late at night.
  • Stress, anxiety, and anger worsen Pitta.
  • Weak Agni (digestive fire) leading to Ama (toxins) accumulation.

Symptoms of Chronic Gastritis

  • Persistent abdominal pain or discomfort (especially in the upper abdomen).
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Bloating or fullness after meals.
  • Indigestion.
  • Dark or tarry stools (in severe cases, indicating bleeding).

Diagnostic tests:

  • Endoscopy: Visual inspection of the stomach lining.
  • Biopsy: To identify inflammation or H. pylori infection.
  • Breath Test: For H. pylori detection.
  • Blood Test: To check for anemia and other deficiencies.
  • Stool Test: To detect occult blood or H. pylori antigens.

Ayurvedic Management of Chronic Gastritis

The goal is to balance Pitta dosha, improve Agni (digestive fire), and remove Ama (toxins).

Dietary Management (Pathya-Apathya)
Pathya (Recommended):
  • Warm, freshly prepared, easily digestible foods.
  • Include buttermilk, rice, coconut water, ghee, and cooked vegetables.
  • Herbs and spices like cumin, coriander, fennel, and turmeric.
  • Drink lukewarm water or herbal teas (e.g., fennel or licorice).
Apathya (To Avoid):
  • Spicy, sour, salty, and fermented foods.
  • Coffee, tea, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.
  • Fried and processed foods.
Classical Formulations
  • Avipattikar Churna: Balances Pitta and alleviates acidity.
  • Kamadhudha Ras: Reduces burning sensations and inflammation.
  • Shankha Bhasma: Provides relief from acidity and supports digestion.
  • Drakshadi Kashayam: Soothes inflammation and improves digestion.
Panchakarma (Detoxification)
  • Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation): Removes excessive Pitta.
  • Shirodhara: Alleviates stress and promotes mental calmness.
  • Takradhara: Medicated buttermilk therapy to cool and balance Pitta.
Lifestyle Modifications
  • Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, pranayama, and yoga (e.g., Vajrasana, Paschimottanasana).
  • Avoid lying down immediately after meals.
  • Get adequate sleep and avoid stress.

Herbs useful in treating CFS

Amla (Indian Gooseberry):

Reduces acidity and inflammation.

Yashtimadhu (Licourice):

Heals the stomach lining and reduces Pitta.

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia):

Enhances immunity and balances Pitta.


Soothes the gastric mucosa.


Detoxifies and improves digestion.

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